Sunday, August 25, 2013

My ad- Fresca

Details noticed:
Different shots that act out adjectives that are said
Strong, Bouncy, Splashy, Bold
Sugar Free
Comes out fighting
Explosively tart
Dynamite different
Water Ski
Fast, fun, enjoyable

"Fresca tastes like Fresca is"

Fresca, a drink, is compared to a water skii race. The race is fast paced and intense, It shows speed and adrenaline. Comparing the drink to such a race, allows one to see how much joy you can feel from drinking Fresca.

1. Fast- paced water skii race- All the energy and effort brings out joy
2. Strong, Bouncy, Splashy- All things the water does during a race
3. Comes out fighting- Have a fighting spirit when in a race.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

After I would be given a writing assignment in high school, I would think of a few small ideas that just popped into my head and then I wouldn't think anymore about it for a little while. I would normally procrastinate but only to a certain degree. I would do about half the day it was assigned and then not do the rest till about 2 or 3 days later.
To try to come up with ideas, I would use my original thoughts and then try to add specific details to the idea to make sure it could really work for the assigned topic. For the most part, that worked pretty well but every now and then I would have to start completely over and think of  a bunch of new ideas.I prefer typing to handwriting almost all of the time but if I was given some time in class, I would write down my introduction and thesis statement at the very least. I would also try to get all of my main points together and try to organize them in a way that best suits my future paper.
I like a little bit of a challenge so I am not against writing about hard topics. If I can't really find any information to backup my claims or enough to give my paper meaning, I get kind of frustrated but I still try to do the best I can. That is probably one of the hardest things when writing for me; trying to backup a claim on a topic that might not have much factual information about it.
Overall, I find myself a pretty decent writer and that I can get the job done most efficiently.