Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Great Gatsby uses a blend of contemporary music and 1920s jazz music to put a new spin on things. The music is more modern, which reaches to more people of current day. Most of the music listened to now, is in fact rap or hip hop. Many young people enjoy this music because they feel like it "expresses" them and their everyday life. It is relatable and mixing the two genres for the movie helps reach a broader audience. The older generation is used to the old Gatsby movie with the pure 1920s jazz music. Because of the blend, all age ranges are reached and can be related. The way the songs were redone fits perfectly with each scene. When Back to Black is used, it is leading up to a climatic point in the movie between the lovers. The music also keeps one interested. They may be expecting an annoying little dance tune in the background but instead get a good, on tempo beat. In a way, it makes some scenes of the movie tougher. More "gangster" like if you will. I think the movie fits the movie very well. The movie is still set in the 1920s but everyone understands that it is a remake and that there will be some differences. I honestly think the soundtrack and the way it was produced is fantastic.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Process and Product

The process of all of our rough drafts and revisions in class has really helped me not to procrastinate with my essay. If we had not done all of this in class, I probably wouldn't of started my essay until about 2 days ago. The first required draft helped me so much because I was able to get thoughts down and then get feedback instead of no feedback and then I could of been completely off track and done the entire essay the wrong way. Grammar is super important in an essay and I try to do my best to make sure my own grammar is correct. I really like the advice the book gives on not deleting your drafts when typing but save each revision as a different file. I used to always just save my edited draft over the old one and never had anything to look back on. Everything we have done in class has been super helpful and I know for sure my essay would not be as good as it is right now if I had not any peer reviews or a schedule to follow for my drafts.